Electrical Inspections

Troubleshooting issues. Providing peace of mind.


Residential Electrical Inspections

Your electrical safety is one of our highest priorities, and you can rest assured that our certified electricians will do a thorough job of assessing your home’s electrical system. We make sure that your home’s electrical system is working properly, safely and efficiently, saving you money in the long run and ensuring that your home and family are safe.

Why Inspect?

There are many reasons to have a home’s electrical system inspected. Maybe you notice an outlet isn’t working properly or a breaker trips when you plug in the toaster. Probably the most important reason is for peace of mind. The following are a few good reasons to have your system checked by the certified professionals of 50 Electric.

  • Purchasing a home – Whether new construction or 10 or more years old, you should know your family is safe from day one.

  • After a home renovation – Did the contractor you hired really know what they were doing when they rewired a room? Don’t take chances.

  • Once every five years – Systems can degrade over time. Avoid costly or unsafe incidents in the future by having a regular inspection.






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